Tag Archive: php

I am designing a simple HTML site for my intranet. this site will host our policies and procedures, which have been split up into roughly 600 PDF files. The pages are written in HTML with CSS 2 completely from scratch. I use NTFS permissions and URLAuthorization to control who can visit the Windows Authentication website.

The site consists of five static pages, a little CSS trickery, and now, a bit of PHP. I decided that due to the sheer volume of the PDF file’s (which are linked from within the pages, and each file name is a slew of very specific policy numbers) that it would be difficult to pin point a broken link myself.

So I came up with the idea of a broken link (or feedback) page. A very simple page, with two input fields and a textarea field (Name, Email, Comment, respectively). A submit button finishes it off.

The problem with this is that when you hit submit and the mailto: runs, it opens up your default email program and populates a new message. this is ok, but what about people without an email client, or without one configured by default?

So I decide to use a bit of PHP to get my IIS to send my mail for me, in the background.

Here it goes.

First, my setup. I have a SBS 2008 running IIS 7.0, Exchange 2007, Sharepoint, pretty much everything. I then have a very low resourced Windows Server 2008 R2 member. This server does very little, but it does have IIS 7.5 installed, in order to run Lync Server 2010.

First thing we will do is install SMTP for IIS. Open up Server Manager, expand Features.

Click Add Features on the right, then select SMTP Server. Click Install.

Install SMTP

Install SMTP


Once that completes, you will have a new tool under Administrative Tools: Internet Information Services 6.0 Manager. Make sure it is 6.0, the other IIS Manager will not let you do this.

IIS 6.0 Manager

IIS 6.0 Manager

You might get a popup about 32 or 64-bit, choose 64 and click ok.

Choose 32 or 64 Bit

Choose 32 or 64 Bit

You will see Internet Information Services in the left window, with a sub-tree of your server name. Expand that node, and you will see VirtualSMTP. Right click that and select rename, and give it a good name- in this case I named mine MemberSMTP (It’s on my domain MEMBER).

Rename SMTP Virtual Server

Rename SMTP Virtual Server

Now right-click the renamed server, and select properties.

Click the Access Tab, then select Connections.

You want to enable the server that is hosting your website (the one that needs to sendmail) to use that server. I used the radio button Only The List Below (less access is good access).

Click Add, and add the loopback or localhost IP address of the server hosting the IIS if it is local. For good measure, I also added the true IP address of the server.



Click OK, and select the button Relay…

Set this up exactly as the other list.

Click Ok, Apply, and Ok.

Right click on the VirtualServer and select Start. If it is already started, click Stop, then Start again.

Thats it for the IIS part (roughly), now on to the PHP and the form itself.

Well, before we get into it, we need to have three web pages in our site. the form itself, named feedback.htm. We need a thank you page, named thanks.htm, and an error page, named error.htm. Put these in the root of your website. Here is the HTML from one of my pages.

Note that it will not work for you perfectly lacking my CSS.

<!--pan class="hiddenSpellError" pre=-->DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    "<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd</a>">
<html xmlns="<a href="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</a>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="Robots" content="NOINDEX" />
<meta http-equiv="PRAGMA" content="NO-CACHE" />
href="PolicyStyleSheet.css" />

    <style type="text/css">
            color: #FFFFFF;


    <!--[if IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
/* some css fixes for IE browsers */
html {overflow-y:hidden;}
body {overflow-y:auto;}
#bg {position:absolute; z-index:-1;}
#content {position:static;}
        color: #FF0000;
        color: #999999;
<!--span class="hiddenSpellError" pre=-->endif]-->

<div id="bg"><img src="images/gradient.png" width="100%" height="100%" alt=""></div>
<div id="content">
<!-- Header -->
<div id="#hdr">
<table>80px; width: 80%;">
<td> </td>
<img src="images/small logo no background.jpg"
        style="height: 75px; margin-left: 10px;"  />
        <td align="center"><h1><a name="top">Report a Problem<br />
        or Broken Link</a></h1>

        <a href="feedback.htm" title="Feedback">Feedback</a>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
        style="height: 55px; width: 48%; margin-left: 50px;">


<div id="lh-col1">

<div id="rh-col"><br />


 You pretty much just need three basic pages, with names you can remember, that have a head and body. you will customize them more later, or take the time to do so now. the error page should say something like “Sorry, you did not fill out the form correctly. Click here to return.” The thanks.htm should say something like “Hey thanks for taking the time! Go back to the site.”

Anyhow, the HTML/CSS lessons will have to come from someone else another time, if you can’t program HTML at this point, stop reading this post.

Now let’s install PHP. All of the romantics and programmers will tell you to manually install it. I don’t have time for all that, so I download the Windows binary here- VC9 x86 Non Thread Safe (2011-Jan-05 21:37:35). Once it downloads, double-click the msi file to start the install.

I selected to install all of the options. you can customize this the way you wish. Make sure to select IIS FastCGI when you get to that point.



Once that completes, we need to make a file in the root of our website. Open up Notapad and save the file as feedback.php. How you get it into your website is up to you. I actually use MS Visual Web Developer 2010, and just copied it into the file directory.

Now we need to make our script, and add some code to feedback.htm and feedback.php. there is a website that will generate it for you- go HERE. Thanks SiteWizard for such a great tool!

Scroll down and select Create a PHP feedback form, and select go to step 2.

PHP Feedback Form

PHP Feedback Form

Fill in your email address, or whoever you want to form results to be mailed to. Enter in the web address of your feedback page, thank you page, and error page. these were the feedback.htm, thanks.htm, and error.htm pages we already created. To get the correct address click on View in Browser from whatever program you are using to author your site, then copy the address for each page.

Page URL's

Page URL's

Skip over all of the optional selections. You can change these if you wish, but you don’t have to. Select to agree to the conditions, and click Generate Script.

The screen has two text areas. the top one is your feedback.PHP contents. Select all of the text, copy it, and paste it into your feedback.php file, using Notepad or your site editor.

Feedback.PHP content

Feedback.PHP content


Select the text from the second box and insert this into your feedback.htm page. It should go in the body of the page, in between <div></div> tags.

Feedback.HTM content

Feedback.HTM content


Now browse to your feedback.htm. Enter some information, and hit send. The email should arrive quickly.

If you have any problems with the HTML, post a comment and I will help out. If you have problems with IIS 7.5, ask away. If you have problems setting up PHP, view their documentation. If you need to change your PHP.ini settings, I can point you at an entry, but that’s it:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
; http://php.net/smtp
SMTP = localhost
; http://php.net/smtp-port
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
; http://php.net/sendmail-from
;sendmail_from = me@example.com

; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
; http://php.net/sendmail-path
;sendmail_path =

And of course thanks again to TheSiteWizard.

I have been tasked with redesigning my company’s web site. Looking at it, it really is poorly designed, hard to navigate, and a little bit lackluster in graphics and design. While I am no designer, I do have a skill with the web, an objective view of the site, and the drive to fix this. I have been making changes to the live site, testing out templates, changing graphics. This is a really lame thing to do to a live site.

This post is long and can be complex. If you get stuck on a certain part- please post a comment. I will get back to you within an hour or two.

We run Hostmonster.com web hosting.

This runs a Joomla! 1.5.15 website.

All files are transferred via FTP to Hostmonster.com.

All configurations take place in the Administrator section of Joomla!

I had the epiphany that it is pretty dangerous to mess with a live site, so I decided it would be in my best interest to download a copy of the site to my PC, edit it, then replace the current site when it is done. To do this I need a copy of the web server at Hostmonster.com. They use a LAMP, which is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. Now I could use VirtualBox to install Ubuntu on my laptop, and run a LAMP from there. the problem with that is then I would have to configure the virtual OS to communicate via my network, which in my experience can be a pain in the butt.

So instead, I will use a WAMP server. WAMP Server 2 has been released while it is not the recommended program levels listed by Joomla!, it is what I will use.

First, uninstall IIS if it is on your computer. My laptop did have it installed, so go to Add/Remove Programs, then turn Windows Features On or Off. Uncheck Internet Information Services, uninstall, and reboot.

Now, go and download WAMP Server 2 from here.

Once you download the file, run it, and click-through the install steps. I put mine on the D:\ drive because it has good space. I also left all of the install options at default values, such as Browser Choice, SMTP Server, and Email Address. This may not be what you want personally, but for me it works. There is a great tutorial with pictures listed here– Thanks TeamTutorials!

A good way to see if your server is online is to left-click the icon in your tray, and then select Localhost. If you get a page looking like this one, WAMP Server 2 is configured and running.

WAMP Server 2

WAMP Server 2

Keep in mind, that I have very little experience with Apache, PHP, MySQL including setup and install of a web site. In the past I used IIS 5, 6, and 7, SQL Server Express 2005, and Standard 2006. As much as I would love to copy this website using those technologies, the migration would be more trouble than it is worth.

So, now let’s get Joomla up and running.

Go to the Joomla! website and download the package, which can be found here. They only have the full install for 1.5.22 available, though there are updates for 1.5.15. I will have to deal with installing the newest version and see if it works- if it doesn’t I can always start over.

Upon further exploration, they do have the full package of 1.5.15 available here, so I downloaded that instead. Note: Make sure you download the release.ZIP file, which is appropriate for Windows installations.

I also went here, and downloaded the Installation Manual PDF and printed it.

Before we start the Joomla! install, you can double-check that MySQL, XML, and Zlib functionality is enabled by checking the PHP.ini file, which is located at: %installdir%/camp/bin/php/php5.3.0

Furthermore, lets check the installation using a PHP script. Open Notepad (Start>Run>Notepad)m and type the following into the text file.

//Show all information

Save this file and name it as phpinfo.php, and put it in the root of your site, which is Localhost at this time. This is located at: %installdir%/wamp/www

So save the file phpinfo.php in that directory, which will only have one file in it, index.php. Open up the web browser you used for the WAMP Server 2 install, and type http://localhost/phpinfo.php in the address bar. It should display a page like this:

PHPInfo.PHP Output

PHPInfo.PHP Output

After you check this output- which contains information about your system and WAMP, MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE PHPINFO.PHP FILE!

 Now we unzip the Joomla! zip file we downloaded from their site. I extracted it to a folder on my desktop for ease of moving. I use WinRAR, there is also WinZIP, 7-ZIP, Windows built-in, and many more.



Before beginning the Joomla! install, which will add and edit files to the WAMP Server 2 installation, I would like a backup in case things go wrong, so that I can start over. I will let you choose how to back them up, I simply created a restore point of that drive, as well as copied the WAMP folder to a remote location. Overkill maybe, but we will see.

Since we are doing a Localhost install, we simply need to copy the unzipped Joomla! files into our web root, which is located at: %installdir%/wamp/www/

You will get a pop-up asking if you want to overwrite index.php– select copy and replace.

Copy and Replace

Copy and Replace

Now navigate to http://localhost, or click the WAMP server icon from your task bar and select Localhost.

Select your language and click next.

Make sure a green Yes is displayed next to all items of the pre-installation check. If any of them say no (They shouldn’t if you follow these instructions), you should stop here and correct the problem by installing a supported version of the problem, or by Googling the exact problem.

Recommended settings are nice, and typically I would follow them. In this instance, I am going to leave them alone- which is with two red items. They are for Display Errors, and Output buffering- both of which I want.

Joomla! Checks

Joomla! Checks

Hit next a few times untill you get to the Database Configuration screen.

Database type is MySQL.

Host name is Localhost.

If you did the default install the user name is root.

There is no default password. I am not a fan of not having a password, so I am going to add-on. Click the wamp icon in your tray. Click MySQL>MySQL Console.

This opens up a DOS looking box asking for a password. Hit enter. You are now at the MySQL command prompt. Use this command to set the root password.

MySQL Password

MySQL Password


The italicized text is your actual password. Hit enter, and exit out of the MySQL Console. Back in your Joomla! Installation, enter the password you just set in the password field.

At this point I realize I am going to be restoring a backup of my already configured remote web site, which has a user name and password, a database name, etc. I went to my hostmonster account and clicked MySQL Databases from the control panel, and found out my information is:

Manage User Privileges

User: ********_jml01
Database: ********_jml01

Since I have no ide what is going on with MySQL, I am going to use the default set up, root, with my password, and default database. Ill remember this spot if I run into problems later.

After a few tries of not being able to create or connect to any database, I checked MySQL and found out that there was no database. At the MySQL prompt type SELECT DATABASE(); and it will return a value of NULL.

Click on the wamp icon in your tray, and select PHPMyAdmin



Enter the database name for Create New Database. In this case I named it the same name that the one on my Hostmonster.com server is named.

Back on the Joomla! install, enter that database name and hit next. I entered the site name of my live site, which is found under Global Configuration on the site. I set up my user name/email and password. I also did not select migrate or local files. Once you enter the top information just hit next.

You now have to remove the installation directory from the %installdir%/wamp/www/ directory. Just delete it.

Now, enter http://localhost/administrator in your web browser.

Login with the user name admin, and whatever password you just entered several seconds ago.

Alright, this is where things got confusing for me. I have working backups of my live site using Hostmonster.com’s backup utility, which is in the control panel. This is not what we need, or at least what i need.

What we will do now is download two packages.

Akeeba Backup  3.1.4which needs to be installed of both live and local Joomla! sites, and

Akeeba Kickstart 3.1.5, which needs to be installed only on the local Joomla! site.

This will take different setup on both the live and localhost sites.

Live site:

Go to your sites administration, click Extensions>Install/Uninstall.

Akeeba Install

Akeeba Install

Click browse, and select the file. I downloaded this file to the computer I am installingmy Joomla! local site to. Now click upload and install. You will get a success page.

Might as well start the backup now. Go to Components>Akeeba Backup, and select backup now.

Akeeba Backup

Akeeba Backup


Now on your Local server (PC):

Install it the same way, except we don’t need to upload it to Hostmonster.com. Go to your localhost administrator settings, Extensions>Install/Uninstall. Select the file from your local PC, and install it. Now extract the kickstart zip. You will be looking at some files. Select them all drop drop them into the root of your site on localhost, or %installdir%/wamp/www/

Now we need to get the Akeeba backup onto our localhost. I downloaded vie the web browser- you should not do this, it may corrupt the file. The reason I did this was because I could not find the backup vie FTP on my site.

Once you have the backup file, put it in the same directory of your localhost that you put the kickstart files into, which is the root directory WWW.

You will get a bar like this one.

Akeeba Kickstart

Akeeba Kickstart

Once this completes, you will se a green button, click it to run the installer and restore.

You can check over the things on this page, specifically check the directories tab near the bottom to make sure your directories are correct.

Akeeba Backup Installer

Akeeba Backup Installer

Click Next.

Set Connection Parameters to match what you selected when setting up Joomla!. User root, the password, and the database. Mine is ********_jml01.

Click next, leave the default values alone. I entered my sites public address, and did not force overwrite temp directory placement. Hit finish, close the window back to Akeeba Kickstart, and select clean up now.

Click view your site’s front end- there is your copy!